knitting the name inside the hem is a terrific idea! where did you find the alphabet or instructions? I'm also a member of the holiday mystery gift list, that's how I found your blog. Dee
I am my mother's daughter. She taught me how to knit, ride a horse, love and enjoy the unique characteristics of all living things, shoot a .22 rifle, drive a car, cook, be kind to people (if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all), sing, and country dance.
Back to knitting...I dream, think, read and talk knitting.
I knit every day.
"There are few things as rewarding as having someone comment on your blog. You have to think about it, knit it, write it, take the pictures, upload when someone says something nice, it's an automatic pat on the back!" Fleegle
knitting the name inside the hem is a terrific idea! where did you find the alphabet or instructions? I'm also a member of the holiday mystery gift list, that's how I found your blog. Dee