I have been knitting socks for about 20 years and if it's more than two colors I get cold hands and feet! So strange since I can adjust the number cast on to the type of heel and toe I want, etc, without blinking an eye!
Okay, I thought...I'm going to just knit it and not think about fainting or panicking. At least, it was cuff down.
I cast on long-tail using 2 needles, US size 0 in bamboo, held together (so the cuff would get around my heel). I had some lovely Lorna's Laces yarn in Brick and Natural. When the k2, p2 ribbing was finished, I took a deep breath, looked at the pattern and sighed with relief. The pattern, itself, was a slip stitch pattern to make those beautiful chains! Okay, I can do this!
As you can see, they turned out pretty good, even if I DO say so myself. I sure could have saved myself a lot of grief, if I had done more than skimmed over the pattern.
Don't cheat yourself out of a fantastic pattern that you, and/or, your whole family will enjoy. You can even adjust the number of chains you wish to use. The finished socks, from all the other participants, are so much fun to see. It's great to see the choice of colors and yarns used, too.
Once again, it's never too late to join the group (click on link above) for an abundance of excellent patterns.