Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'm in love........

.......with my roving!!! I got these back from Dawn's a little while back.

The deep chocolate brown is Black Border Leicester; the gray is Black/Gray Icelandic Ram; and the cream is Baby Doll.

Looks like I have some spinning to do. Gosh, aren't they beautiful?


  1. As a matter of fact, yes, they are beautiful! Sure beats my little skein of Sinfonia.

  2. Ooh! Lucky you! I would love to learn to spin. Can't wait to see what you make with all that lovely roving!

  3. What the heck are you gonna make with all that?

    I need to lay down know, just seeing all that made me tired.

  4. It's beautiful Maria. I want!!! Unfortunately, I don't know how to spin. Maybe I can just pet it.

  5. Wow, nice rovings! Have fun spinning.

  6. "... have you any wool? Yes, Sir, yes, sir..."

    Whee, that's a lot of fun spinning in your future!!

  7. That is gorgeous roving. You are going to be busy for quite some time spinning all that. What fun!

  8. Oh gosh I just about fainted when i saw you on the couch with all that yummy fiber surrounding you!!! WHAT FUN!!!

  9. I'm with Candi all the way! And CraftyGryphon, too!

    Now I am anxious to see if you have photos of the stuff you made with all of it!


I am SO looking forward to reading your comment!!! Thank you for leaving one!