Here's what I'm making for dinner:
Hamburgers (my way)1 1/2 lbs. Lean HB with 2-3 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce, 1 egg, Salt & Pepper (mixed well)
Hamburger toppersSliced Pickles
Sliced Walla Walla Sweet Onion
Mustard & Ketchup (eater's choice)
Franz Sweet Onion BBQ buns
Potato Salad (German mom's way)
4 Red Potatoes, boiled, chopped and peeled (if you didn't scrub the peeling beforehand)
6 eggs, chopped (boiled, of course)
1 sm to med White Onion, chopped and fried in butter (glaze them babies!)
Mayo or Miracle Whip (cooks choice)
Vlasic Zesty Dills, 2 chopped
Pickle juice (yes, pickle juice)
Salt & Pepper (not too much salt since the pickle juice will almost be enough)
Bush's Bar-B-Que Baked Beans (store bought cuz I didn't have enough time to make 'em myself)
(stay away from the back ends of everyone after a bit or just eat this outside and stay upwind)
Soooo.....what are you having for dinner?