Sunday, November 27, 2011

I have been sewing.....

.....the Eleanor Burns, of Quilt-In-A-Day, way.............AND I CAN'T STOP!!!!


  1. Wow and have you been sewing! sewing up a storm me thinks. It is great to see you back in blogland my friend. Love the quilts....they get you in dont they.Love the bright colours by the way. Congratulations.

  2. Love the blocks! I have a hard time stopping once I've started... end result: dust bunnies! It's so nice to have pets that don't require much care. ; )

  3. Both beautiful. I, too, am glad when you can pop back into blogland, but even more excited you are at your sewing machine! Exciting colors that inspire!

  4. What lovely colours Maria!! So nice to see you around again, and having so much fun. Can't wait to see what you stitch up next. Take care.

  5. Oooo... your points are all POINTY. (I'm still very much a beginning quilter; pointy points are still happy accidents for me!)

  6. Can't stop? Sounds like a wonderful problem to have!

  7. Not sure how I missed this...beautiful! I love flying geese!



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