Tuesday, July 27, 2010

From yarn to socks...

Armed with US sz 1 dpn's, Lana Grossa Fantasy yarn [Farbe 4760; Partie 24588] and my son's traced foot - I came up with these!
My gauge was 7 sts/inch and I'm super fussy when it comes to the pattern continuing down the front of the foot. What do I do to make sure that happens, you ask? ;o)
When I knit the heel flap I use the other end of the skein leaving the yarn hanging there waiting to be used again. Once the gusset stitches are picked up and ready to be knit round and round, I abandon [break off] that end of the skein and pick up the lonely yarn that has been waiting patiently to be put to use again.
The pattern is simple, K2, P2 rib with 64 sts; half of them for the heel flap; K2, P2 down the front of the foot and finish off with a stocking st toe until there are 20 stitches to do the Kitch with.
They took me around 3 days to knit. I sent them off to his college, he got them......and.....and........they fit! Woo, hoo! [NOTE TO SELF: Make the leg 7 inches next time] :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

14" Round Doily

This doily was crocheted with Royale Classic Crochet Thread sz 10, in Burgundy, and a US sz 6 hook. The pattern suggests using a sz 7 but for some reason, I am a tight crocheter. I may be a loose knitter but not so when I crochet. Hmmm? It still only measures 13 3/8" across...
The pattern can be found at ThreadAddicts under Files/CrochetAlongs-Monthly/2010 CAL/04-April. There is a rich assortment of doilies to make and with lots of friendship....and help, too, when needed.
I really enjoyed making this. :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Special Tatting Shuttles

Oh, oh, oh!! I say that 3 times because I have 3 gorgeous shuttles!

I received them in June but was so busy driving around town showing them off! I opened the package at the post office and showed them to the ladies there, then off to the public library for those ladies to see them and lastly to the local yarn shop where the owner drooled over them. Too bad she is a needle tatter! She is missing out!

I love, love, love them and started tatting with them right off! They tat lovely work! :) better than the regular, flat looking ones!

Where can you get yours, you ask? You can have a beautiful shuttle, or two, at Lacossette. The owner and I were emailing back and forth when she noticed two shuttles sold. I had to hurry and buy mine or I would have lost them TOO!

You will also be able to see better photos of them than what I took of mine.
Thank you, Joëlle, for my shuttles!

Monday, July 5, 2010

A crocheted wedding gift

This little beauty is out of the American School of Needlework 'Pineapple Parade' by Yalanda Wiese. It came out to 22" across. Well, I guess it's not THAT little. :)

My friend, Nancy V. in Oregon, is getting this (1 of 2) as a 'late' wedding gift.