Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yarn for my Mystery Stole 3!!

Just look at what I received from Cloverhill Yarn Shop. It seemed like before I hung up the phone, my order was here!
There is enough (and then some) Jaggerspun Zephyr to knit my Mystery Stole 3. I opened the carefully packaged yarn and couldn't believe how luscious it felt. I had never touched a yarn that felt so delicious.
Maybe you've done this, too. You start with your e-mail, you click on a blog address just to look, that then takes you somewhere else, and so on. Well, I just happened to be e-mailing back and forth with Soapturtle Knits who told me about the yarn shop. Thank you Soapturtle!!!!!
If you are interested in joining ~ the 'mystery' begins on June 29th. The group will be closed to new members on July 6, so be sure to sign up soon!


  1. Hmmmm. I may sign up for that one. It seems to be *the* place to be these days! :)

  2. oh, goodie, you are in on that. I do demand lots of pictures on the progress!

    Just saying.

    Did you do your swatch yet??

  3. I joined the mystery as well. I'm just not sure what yarn I feel like using. I love you choice. I find Zephyr is great to work with and it's so soft.


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